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Easysort is going to be a complete sorting software to sort recyclables from a stream of residual waste.

Place a camera of at least 1080p above a conveyor belt, connect it to a computer, raspberry PI or esp32, and run Easysort on it. Easysort will automatically detect objects in the feed.

A standard mapping from item to sorting bin is provided, but this can be modified to fit any sorting system. This is most likely needed if you are not in Denmark. Out comes pickup positions with deticated bins attached. We provide a default connector to connect to an arduino/esp32 like controller, which most robots use.


Go here for a detailed explanation of why and what our solution is. Summed to a few sentences:

In 2024, Denmark has incinerated over 3 million tons of residual waste, resulting in 1.8 million tons of CO₂ emissions. This marks an 8% increase over the past five years and a 34% rise over the last fifteen years. The Danish target is to decrease CO₂ emissions from 1.7 million tons to 0.5 million tons over the next ten years. But how?

Some countries (including Denmark) have chosen to entirely rely on humans to sort waste themselves. This is frustrating for the population and extremely ineffective.

Easysort aims to solve this problem by maintaining a complete software for sorting recyclables from residual waste and providing it freely for everyone.

We then build robots and sort waste for companies. This is a highly scalable solution; both robotic and AI capabilities will grow exponentially over time, and our solutions scales with it.


Here is a video of Easysort in action:


How good is easysort?
- Easysort should be stable to run and accurate. It's not yet ready for production, but it's getting there. Investigate our github if you want to know more.
How does easysort make money?
- We run a service where we sort waste for companies and sell the sorted waste to recycling companies.
I can find the software, but I can't find the hardware?
- The software of Easysort is freely available. Our retired robots will be open-source. Building the robots is secondary, and we therefore have nothing to share yet.
When will EasySort leave alpha?
- When Easysort can correctly categorize >90% of the waste items shown to it with a minimum speed of 2 s/iteration.
Where is easysort development happening?
- On Github.
What's the goal of easysort?
- To decrease the amount of reusable waste burned towards 0 by making sorting software easy to implement and free to use.
Can I work for Easysort?
- We are looking for people to join. Contact me at lucas@easysort.org, and show me something you've made.
Can you help me sort our waste?
- Yes! We are looking for companies to sort waste for. Contact me at lucas@easysort.org.